Cardigan Castle – Cintec Anchors

The outer walls of Cardigan Castle had been suffering from deterioration and movement for many years resulting in the installation of unsightly structural steelwork during the 1970s.

The castle is currently being refurbished, and the initial phase of the works involved stabilisation and consolidation of the walls to allow the steelwork to be removed without compromising the structural integrity of the walls. This was achieved by consolidating and strengthening the wall using Cintec anchors, tying the wall back to the stone substrate using rock anchors, and re-pointing the stonework with local rebuilding where necessary.

Consulting engineers Fenton and Holloway designed a system which involved the installation of Cintec consolidation anchors surrounding rock anchors with longitudinal and diagonal Cintec anchors stabilising the walls between the rock anchor locations. Cintec anchors were also installed to tie across cracks and fractures in the stonework.


Falcon was required to consolidate the stonework and install the longitudinal anchors before the rock anchors could be installed. Where necessary the stonework was rebuilt and anchors installed through the new stonework to ensure an adequate bond was achieved between the original and the rebuilt sections.


Falcon Structural Repairs Limited has worked on a number of the Welsh Castles including Montgomery, Harlech, Caernarfon, Chepstow, Cardiff and now Cardigan. Falcon are approved installers of the Cintec anchor system which is recognised by CADW and is widely used for the stabilisation of stonework and masonry in historic and heritage buildings and structures.

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